Lawyer, Mediator and national and international conflict resolution Consultant, J. Palou Loverdos holds a Lawyer Degree, a Master in Criminal Law from the University of Barcelona (currently he is preparing the PhD), and a Master in Mediation and Conflict Resolution from the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona. He is co-director of AEQUITAS – Mediation and Alternative Conflict Resolution (ACR) Service Office, a centre specialized in Conflict Resolution and Transformation in family, in organizations, in penal, judicial, community and international conflicts (African Great Lakes). He lectures Mediation, Conflict Resolution and Transitional Justice at various Spanish Universities: Ramon Llull University, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Balear Islands University. He is member of the Barcelona´s BAR and of the Human Rights Institute of the International BAR Association, among other national and international Human Right´s NGO´s. He is also member of the International Criminal BAR and lawyer at the International Criminal Court based in Den Haag. In 2004 he was awarded the First Prize of the Catalan Association for the Development of Mediation and Arbitration when marking its 10th Anniversary with his research work: “Mediation in Conflict: towards a harmonious boomerang”. |
The main researches he published are COLUMNA (1998): Objection, a pacifist revolution, co-author of book; CENTRE D’ESTUDIS JURÍDICS I FORMACIÓ ESPECIALITZADA (2001) (Generalitat de Catalunya): Family Mediation; TIRANT LO BLANCH (2004): War and Peace at Work: Conflicts in the field organizations. REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE ESTUDIOS INTERNACIONALES (2007): War crimes against Spanish, Rwandese and Congolese in Central Africa. Among other works he was written various articles and reports on Law and Justice as well as on Conflict Analysis, Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution which have been published in specialized magazines.
He got interested in the defence of Human Rights of individuals and collectives in unfavourable social situations at an early age. While studying Law, he declared himself a conscientious objector to serve in the armed forces and organized and monitored workshops in a school-farm and refuge-home for people under age who are subject to Juvenile Justice Courts. After finishing his university studies, he became specialized in criminal rights and lawsuit penal rights. He volunteered to take on the responsibility for judicial assessment and mediation services in conflicts at the ESCO Foundation in the Raval district in Barcelona and thus provide people in crisis and socially neglected people with judicial support and Peaceful Conflict Resolution.
As head and coordinator in the pacifist civil disobedience campaign of conscientious objectors to Compulsory Military Service, organized by the Association of Conscientious Objectors (AOC)/ Peace Movement, he took on the legal defence and assistance in oral trials of about 50 conscientious objectors until the abolition of the compulsory military service in Spain was achieved. He heads several theoretical and practical initiatives and investigations in the field of Mediation and Peaceful Conflict Resolution, initiating his students into the practice of the non-violent martial art, known as Aikido and is a trainee himself in mediation techniques and other methods of Peaceful Conflict Resolution in his own country, as well as in India, Bolivia and in Vermont (USA) with the spiritual leader of the Native American Cherokees community.
Since 2001 he has assumed the legal representation of Catalan, Spanish, Rwandese and Congolese victims in the Conflict in Central Africa, as well as of the International Forum for Truth and Justice in the African Great Lakes, meeting victims, relatives of victims, witnesses and experts in Europe, Africa, United States and Canada so as to succeed in an international action in favour of truth and justice. J. Palou Loverdos is also a facilitator and responsible of the Inter-Rwandese-Dialogue (DIR), under the auspices of Juan Carrero, President of the S’Olivar Foundation in Majorca. |